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Our Services


Biofield Balancing 


Our body is made of frequencies. A balanced body is a body that is in harmony with every organ, similar to an orchestra.  Every disease is simply a disbalance of frequencies in particular areas of the body.    Our latest technology based on quantum physics will target areas of illness by first scanning the BioField neutralizing and then rebalancing the disharmony.
 This will then help the body speed up it's own recovery. Totally non-invasive subtle and effective. The future is here.Book your consultation now..

Yoga Pose

Herb Nutritional Supplementation

Intercellular cell food

Talored to your personal scans our Nutritional Supplementation works in conjunction with our BioField therapies. It takes into account the whole person and helps activate each patient’s natural healing processes as well as restoring their physical and emotional well-being. Our Supplements our made with only certified top quality organic herbs. 

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